Saturday, January 7, 2012

What Mark Zuckerberg did to us…

During December vacation i had invited few friends for dinner at home and during one of those dinner i realize that i was meeting my friend’s husband n son for the first time, for those almost 3 hours we all kept on talking and talking, like old friends. It was their first visit to our home but we all felt we knew each other for a long time.
She is my facebook friend so we have seen each others family picture, read status updates and did some small chit chat in last few months, met few times without families but having them home felt so close to heart, not first time visit.
Another time when my husband introduced himself to one of my other friend as Jaya's husband she replied oh yah I know have seen your pictures on FB :)

I feel so happy and lucky to have that kind of social network.

I always been a social butterfly and never believed in gender-biased friendship, belonged to a small town but had friends in all color, size, age, religion and gender.
Always had a close relationship not only with my friends but their families, relatives and friends too. I was a friend with my friend’s grandma to their tiny cousins.
Later I took my husband’s friend as my friend but facebook again gave me another circle of friends. Most of them are successful women but for me their success lies in their personality.
I never felt that their career or money or status is a barrier in our friendship.
It’s all because of facebook. We feel we all know each other so well. We don’t get to meet often but we are so well connected everyday through facebook. We almost TALK everyday as status updates and comments, thoughts, suggestions, compliment and what not.
I know my FB friends are next to me when I am happy, down or sad or angry. My day begins with their thoughts and end with their messages.

Mark Zuckerberg, we love you for giving us so many valuable relations.
When you started the face mash it had the whole different philosophy behind it. You wanted to see girls and see...we found friends...Thank you..


  1. Good one, love. very true :) - Seema

  2. Before Facebook we had listservs which created bonds and friendships across miles sight unseen. I still connect with people I "met" on the St John's Autism List which folded over 10 years ago. Some friendships span 20 + years.
