Sunday, September 20, 2020

Moms and their daughters - a relationship with many folds.

Incredible women raise amazing daughters. Lucky for them but what happens when the moms are gone, the daughters are distraught and all of sudden there is a void in their life. There is no replacement for a mother but what happens when you mother is your teacher, mentor, guide, best friend and confidant?

On the way back home I kept thinking of what a loss really means. Do we grieve the loss of the relationship, the person, their charisma, the existence of the person or just what they meant to us?

A dear friend lost her mother and today when I went to visit her I couldn’t think of anything else but a saree. Just to pay my respects . Strangely I didn’t even think that on a breezy, chilly day I wasn’t appropriately dressed. It just felt right. A tribute to a strong, amazing, incredible woman who loved sarees, I couldn’t think of anything else but a simple south cotton. I so wish we have had an opportunity to invite her just once to one of our saree meets. 

4 of us sat together to pay tribute to three amazing moms who raised amazing daughters. I was listening to their stories, grief and regrets and thinking about what I could do better with my mom who I am lucky enough to have . She is thousands of miles away but just a video call brings us closer. I can call her just about any time, talk to her, tell her all about my life, listen to her and share the mundane details of our lives. I am grateful more than ever that she is around. Today I want to thank those 3 friends, tell them how sorry I am for their loss but also grateful that they gently reminded me about how lucky I am.

I can write and write more about my mom and their moms and our conversation but right now I will pause and make you read this, a text from that friend-

"Tell your sister to give your mom a big hug from and for all of us" 

I am asking you do the same.. Hug your mom for and from us, tell her one more time she is loved.

Mother India and I - 2018 India trip - this is one of my fav pic - role reversal :)

SOTD -The simple Kanchi cotton with a kalakari print blouse.