Tuesday, November 17, 2020

A Diwali to remember Nov 2020

 Every year I promise my self I will do better next year and it happened again.

I celebrate Diwali at my house, invite some close friends and neighbors, both indian and non Indian. Many of them meet once a year at my home. The evening is all about food and fun. Every year I decide I will cook fewer dishes, get ready on time, paint my nails and put on some makeup and all these promises to myself fail every year. I always make a few things more than the planned menu, always rush to get ready and never have time to do some extra “dressing up”. By the time we are done, everyone is well fed, happy, boxes ready for their lunch next day.
This year we are modifying everything and Covid sure made us think about what is important to us.
With all the things to consider, I had to cut short my guest list. We decided to meet for outdoor lunch with the 3 other families I grew old with. We are still not meeting indoors and maintaining the social distancing protocol. Miyan lit the firepit so ladies could enjoy wearing their sarees without freezing.
We sat around fire eating and chatting. It didn’t feel like Diwali night but sure it felt like celebration. It was strange to not have the whole crowd in my home for Diwali. The texts from many of them assured me that they were missing it too.
I didn’t cook too many dishes but again it was plenty of food for leftovers, I still couldn’t get ready the way I wanted to but it didn’t matter. My table was not as full as the years goneby but it was still fun. I still couldn’t manage to paint my nails , or do my hair and this year couldn’t even do any rangoli. Once everyone left I took a nap in the afternoon on the day of Diwali.
Evening felt so weird with nothing much to do when under normal circumstances my house would be full of friends and food and laughter, other than loading the dishwasher, cleaning and putting things away. I made Khichadi for dinner. Things are different yet the same. I went to bed feeling content, happy, grateful and with a smile on my face.
A beautiful Banarasi georgette from Banaras. So prefect for a chilly, breezy, not so sunny fall day.
I wish i also had time for a nicer pic- every year this happens too.
Anand didnt want to be any part of it so he stayed in his room eating pasta while everyone else was devouring his moms cooking. so this was our family -1 picture.

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