Monday, September 13, 2021

How far we have come !!! Cultural Festival in Franklin Sept 2021 - A journey of 18 yrs

We moved to this town in 2003, Indians or browns were a rarity in this area. We needed a train station for commute (like most desi do to work in the city) plus this fit our budget. We had no idea what the future held for us . We were 4 years young in this country and not much help was available on the internet, nor did we have any friends who were already homeowners.

Our realtor (I call her my American mom) was our go to person for everything (I still go to her for many things)
She assured us that the schools were wonderful in this town. We didn’t talk/consider diversity or being all alone in this very white town because we didnt know that it was something to consider
Soon I made a few of my close friends move here and we made this town our own.
Before they all moved in I was one of the very few non white faces in the town. I met some amazing people and did bring some “desiness” with me. Volunteered in the school and in the library and slowly people got used to having some diversity around. Soon a lot more Indian families moved in and in 18 years our town has turned more diverse.
Yesterday Franklin hosted a cultural festival and our own desi crowd performed. For the first time our town saw some amazing music, dances and colorful Sarees. Everyone was excited and in awe.
My saree is a reminder of history in making, A town celebrating a different culture with curiosity. 17-18 yrs ago I brought Indian ladies together and made a yahoo group, soon we upgraded to WhatsApp like everyone else. We all “seasoned” ladies (old residents doesn’t sound good) and many newer additions got together to watch and enjoy the celebration and remembered how far we have come.
A very fresh addition introduced herself and thanked me for creating the group and adding her to that. She was happy that our group existed.
The 100 saree is a reminder - how important it is embrace your culture and celebrate it.
This Jamdani saree made a round in Boston and came back to me after almost 2 yrs. So many Saree Sakhies wore it, Before It makes another round I wanted to say hello.
My darling friend in Calcutta, friend from Middle school went shopping for me and got some of the most beautiful sarees.

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