Friday, January 17, 2020

India 2019-2020 Day -2 what Family is for me and you?

Sisters are the blessing in various forms ( dated Dec 22nd) 

Yesterday was another testimony of how lucky I am. The morning started with amazing breakfast. The things I enjoy most about India. I get to eat wonderful food without doing anything. 
The shopping, the trip to tailor and a visit to spa and then an evening outing. All in one day it’s only possible if you sisters are on top of your every need and wishes.
they manage to run their house, take care of kids and at the same time be your amazing sisters. I am sure they need another vacation to recover from my vacation.
but its not only them, their spouses and kids are in this together too. the meal times are my favorite part of the day. All of us sitting together. somehow fitting around that one table all of us in unison, sharing stories, jokes. the kids playing , running around, arguing with their moms, negotiating for more play time. I was there and some time my mind would think of our childhood. Not too many luxury but the happiness and laugh sounded just the same.
I cannot wait to have my other sister and her husband and my men. The house will be busier and crazier but I think thats what my mom needs right now. The noise of her grandkids fighting, arguing, shouting with their moms so she can revisit her time with us. She needs to see that  with my dad she has raised awesome daughters and her grandkids will turn out OK just like her daughters did. she is not very strong yet she would like to sit and listen to our conversation late in the night. she pushes her body to the extent she can, just to be around us.

My dads usual busy with his way of taking care. The fruits we love are on the kitchen counter in abundance,  the flower strands are fresh and fragrant. I am sure the flower  seller next to temple know by now that his oldest daughter is in town and these are for her to put on her hair. Amazing how he remembers tiny details and without words he makes me feel how fortunate I am to be his daughter. How he listens to my stories and nods and wraps his arm around me when I need it. his laughs and smiles make me feel how proud of he is of his daughters.  I am amazed how easily he agrees to his daughters plans and follows the instructions and agrees to our wishes. 
I sat with them going over the travel plan for Surat. I did go through the packing list, instructed and suggested. Now I wonder about the transition. Not too long ago my mom would pack our clothes and get us ready for travel. I feel happy and sad at the same time. Seeing two very strong people who taught me so many things about life are so fragile. every year I feel they grew older more than a year of their age. seeing my mom struggle to even walk is hard. She is woman who took care of non stop guests at home, worked full time and raised 4 daughters, managed to read and do things for so many people around. Cannot wait to spend my days with her.

Sisters in Mysore Saree Udyog Commercial Street , Varsha was missing. 

Living room was everything that day from bedroom, to play room to chat room

the luxury in India - dad knows what you really want. 

 things going on at home, negotiation going on for sleep time

                                                  rocking commercial street

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