Wednesday, October 14, 2020

What is friendship for you?

In the last 4 months, my dad has lost his sister, two of his cousins, and the best friend he had since he was 19. It was a friendship of 63 years.

Gopal chacha was the one who sent him a telegram that my Daddu (grandfather) had found a bride for my dad and his wedding date was set. Yes, that is how things worked in those days.
We heard that story many times and enjoyed it every time because of the way he narrated - “maharaj” (he used to call my dad) ko telegram kiya- aa jao April 19th ko shadi hai.”
Papa called him “Thakur” lovingly because he belonged to “Kshatriya” caste and chacha would call him Maharaj as he is a Pandit/Brahmin.
My dad has always been all about family. The whole clan of aunts, uncles and cousins were always his first priority. I don’t remember him having too many friends but Gopal Chacha was the constant fixture is our life who was not a relative.
He loved chewing paan ( Betel Leaf) and would always bring one for each of us. He would come and sit on the sofa in the living room, have a cup of chai and read the newspaper sometimes.
I was talking to my sister today about my dad and Gopal Chacha’s friendship, how it wasn’t important for “Maharaj (my dad) to be around. Chacha would have his chai and read the newspaper and my dad would be doing his household chores. Papa would sit and talk for sometime or may not talk. Chacha never needed an invitation and came very often. My dad is always on the go kind of a person. I am sure whenever he visited Gopal chacha at his home he would be always in a hurry and may or may not have a cup of tea . But Gopal chacha was a patient man, never in hurry. He lost his wife 15 years ago and my parents moved to Bangalore. It must have been difficult for him, I can imagine now.
Today I feel sad for Chacha’s kids and my dad. The way papa said, he was always there - sukh me aur dukh me .. ( in good times as well as bad)
Gopal Chacha - rest in peace. We all miss you, your paan, your love, your smile and above all we will miss how papa used to say - “Aao Thakur” everytime you came.
Pic- Dad on FaceTime with me last week. I couldn't wait to share the colors with him.and we talked about how 4 seasons are meant to show how beautiful life is.

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